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How to Draw a Panther Body

How to draw a superhero: cartoon step by footstep

Learn how to draw a superhero with a strong body from simple triangle shapes and detailed hero costume. Easy pace by step instructions.

How to draw a superhero: drawing step by step - step-by-step-drawing tutorial featured image

Our superhero follows the stereotypes: A strong human with big broad shoulders and a narrow waistline, a foursquare head with a sharp square mentum. He also wears the usual tight accommodate with long gloves and high boots, and sports a flowing gold cape.





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How to describe a superhero: base of operations sketch footstep by step

Footstep ane : Sketch the caput

Drawing step: Sketch the head

Our superhero drawing starts very only. Draw a small circle for the head. Then add a little face cross, which divides the circumvolve into four parts.

Step 2 : Sketch the chin

Drawing step: Sketch the chin

Continue cartoon the head. Add 2 straight lines but touching the sides of the head circle for the sides of our confront.

And then add a chin – kind of a rectangle with a cut off corner: One short straight line at a right angle to the centre line. Slightly upward from there to the left side.

Step iii : Describe the face

Drawing step: Draw the face

At present it is fourth dimension to give our superhero a friendly face up.

Get-go with only two simple dots for the eyes – those go onto the vertical face up line. And so draw an angled line for a olfactory organ, with two dots for nostrils. Add open grin mouth – a apartment-lying "D" shape with a pocket-sized squiggle for the tongue.

Adjacent depict two straight lines for eyebrows, simply above the eyes. And finally, add a "C" shape for an ear, starting at the left middle cantankerous line.

Step iv : Sketch the base body shapes

Drawing step: Sketch the base body shapes

Hither comes the fun part – our superhero needs a super torso! A strong superhero body starts with really wide shoulders and tapers down to a narrow waist. Then the tiptop one-half of the body is kind of a rectangle cut off at the waist. That shape is called a "trapezoid" or "trapezium".

The smaller lower part is a narrow rectangle with lesser corners cutting off.

Our body and head are connected by two straight lines, well-nigh the width of the head. This is our neck.

Pace 5 : Add artillery and legs

Drawing step: Add arms and legs

Keep building your superhero'southward torso by adding some actually simple arms and legs. Nosotros will draw them as two wider triangles for the upper arms, and ii long and narrow triangles for the legs.

Step 6 : Sketch forearms and feet

Drawing step: Sketch forearms and feet

Finish off the legs by adding some feet – again fabricated from simple triangles.

So add forearms to the body – those are triangular shapes, to go on with the overall theme, that connect to the upper arms.

Stride seven : Finish the sketch with hands and pilus

Drawing step: Finish the sketch with hands and hair

Our superhero drawing is about done – he just needs a pair of hands and some hair.

The waving hand we draw from a simple rectangle, which we will separate in half – the upper part volition exist the fingers, the lower office the palm of the manus. Add a small rectangle to the side for the thumb. The lower hand is closed into a fist – drawn equally a rectangle over again, with a minor thin rectangle on the side for a thumb.

Then requite your hero some pilus – we liked the spiky swoosh hair here.

Step 8 : Concluding details

Drawing step: Final details

While our base of operations figure is done, we can always improve it with a few more details. Here nosotros sketched in the individual fingers on the waving hand.

Then nosotros meliorate our superhero'south compatible with an keepsake and a big "H" for "hero" on the chest and requite him a squeamish chugalug.

And finally – every superhero needs to have a cape – so let'due south draw a nice flying-in-the-wind greatcoat and attach information technology at the shoulders with a pair of epaulettes.

How to draw a superhero: outline the cartoon footstep by step

Step ane: Outline the caput

Drawing step: Outline the head

That is our superhero completely sketched. Let'southward start outlining him at present. Depict out the caput offset.

Step 2: Outline the upper body

Drawing step: Outline the upper body

Keep drawing out the upper body.

Notice nosotros have drawn out the chest emblem and the letter "H" properly. Also, nosotros have added some extra lines on the forearms – these will marking out the gloves our hero is wearing.

Step three: Draw the legs and lower trunk

Drawing step: Draw the legs and lower body

In this pace, we add a round buckle to the belt, and two similar arced lines on the legs to marker out the superhero's high shoes. Then outline the greatcoat and you have drawn a superhero.

How to draw a superhero: finished drawing

How to draw a superhero: finished outline drawing

How to draw a superhero: finished outline drawing

Our usual final step is to clean up the sketch lines with an eraser to show our complete superhero drawing.

How to draw a superhero: finished drawing coloured-in

How to draw a superhero: finished drawing coloured-in

And since every drawing looks better in colour, here is our hero coloured in. Nosotros have called bold colours for a assuming homo – a brilliant crimson suit, with contrasting blue shoes and gloves. And cipher less but golden (well, dark xanthous) for the cape, breast badge, and epaulettes.

And since superheroes usually operate in big cities, you lot can describe some uncomplicated city skylines for the groundwork. Remember how to draw cubes?

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